Tuesday, April 27, 2010

American Idols The Worship of the American Dream

The small group from our church that meets in our home Sunday evenings is beginning to read and discuss "American Idols, The Worship of the American Dream" by Bob Hostetler.

Our pastor is preaching a series on American Idols on Sunday mornings. For the most part, Christians do not normally think of practicing idolatry. The author brings out areas of our lives and personalities that causes the reader to recognize if there is an idol/idols and how they begin to manifest and grow in our lives. Consumerism, Naturalism, Individualism, Celebrity, Instant Gratification, Humanism, Experience, Success, Sensuality, Sexual Freedom, Choice, Appearance, Comfort, Money, and Busyness. All of these are addressed in the 15 chapters of the book.

I think I am going to enjoy this study. It is good for Christians to reflect inward and do a spiritual inventory.